Hướng dẫn sử dụng cân HAW 30kg

Service Manual

Sample order

Item :HAW-30A Spec: 30kg/1g

Set Capacity and Division

1) First remove all objects from weighing tray, make sure the balance show zero.

2) Press :Zero “ + “Unitsw” + “ Count” to display “SELECT”

3) press “CE” key +” /BL” key to show “ 0——– “ , input password ‘200805’ { use “ /BL “ key to select 0-9 circularly ,use “Re-call” key to move next digit }

4) press ”Re-call” key to show full capacity, If you want to change the full capacity 30kg to 15kg , press “CE” key +” /BL” key to show “ 0——– “ , {use “ /BL “ key to select 0-9 circularly , use “Re-call” key to move next digit , use “M+” key enter point . you can input 15.1000 or 15.0000 , the units is KG ,}

5) press ”Re-call” key to show division,

If you want to change the division 1g to 0.5g , press “CE” key +” /BL” key to show “ 0——– “ , {use “ /BL “ key to select 0-9 circularly , use “Re-call” key to move next digit , use “M+” key enter point . you can input 0.50000 , the units is g }

6) press ”Re-call” key to show calibration weight .

If you want to change the calibration weight to 10kg , press “CE” key +” /BL” key to show “ 0——– “ , {use “ /BL “ key to select 0-9 circularly , use “Re-call” key to move next digit , use “M+” key enter point . you can input 10.0000 , the units is KG }

7) Press ”Re-call” to confirm the set , the scale will start self-test and turn to zero. Note: If you change the capacity or division or calibration weight , the scale should calibrate before using .

Internal Calibration

1) First remove all objects from weighing tray, make sure the balance show zero.

2) Press “Zero” +” CAL” +”Tare” key to display ‘CAL 10000’ , and put on 10kg weight ,when the unstable indicator disappear,

3) press “ CAL “ key to display ‘CAL 20000 ‘ , move the 10kg weight , and put on 20 kg weight , when the unstable indicator disappear,

4) press “CAL” key to start self-test and return zero , the calibration is complete.

Normal Calibration

1) Press CAL key ,it shows CAL ,and then 20.000 , put on the 20kg weight on the pan ,

2) When it shows 20.000, the calibration is complete.



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 Công ty Cân điện tử TBQ Việt Nam

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 Website: http://candientutbq.com – tbqvietnam.com.vn
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